Baby Blues

Baby blues, 

Two week after my second baby was born my husband and I and baby was sitting in the waiting area where all the New Borns of two weeks back were getting checked and vaccinated. 

The lady just before us in the que came with, what seemed like, her mother and her very small baby.  When the nurse injected the child, it started to whimper.  Right then, the young mother also started to cry, and turned away so she wouldn't see what was going on.   Together with her mother and her baby, she was led away by the nurse to a different room and assisted appropriately.  I felt sorry for the mother, but I also knew it is a phase that would pass.  Plus she had a firm support system with her unjudging mother right by her side to see her through every stage of child rearing.

Truth be told, I've been where that mommy was at that point in time.  Your heart just breaks at your little ones whimpering and seeing it's little tears.

My husband always says the first of everything is always the hardest.  How true I have found those words to be!  Becoming a mother for the first time is no exception. 

The level of feeling for this child!  The depth of leagues on your inside you never knew could exit in one heart!  And realizing that you just know you will never be the same again.  You will forever put someone else's needs before your own.  You will always look out for their hunger, their good night's sleep, their comfort, their joy before your own. 

This is the essence of a mother.  But getting used to the new status quo will lead you through the Valley of Baby Blues.  Don't loose heart.  There's nothing wrong with you.  You are simply adjusting.  Give yourself time. 

After passing through this stage, you will not be able to imagine your life without this small person you are holding right now.  Baby blues will be all forgotten and joy will be the theme of your days together.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I would love to hear from you if  there is a special topic you want to hear something on.  


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